Last week I went along with A to Toronto Canada which was on my top list of places I have wanted to visit for years and we decided that we should enjoy the freedom to do that now... next year will be so incredibly different. The Niagara falls were great, mostly because we went on the Maid of the Mist boat. Whilst we were waiting to get on board in our blue plastic raincoat there were some tourist from Japan waiting as well. We saw them putting household foil on there shoes (pictures only on request lol) and we thought that was kinda over the top. Boy were we wrong! We were soaked! Due to jetlag we were there VERY early in the morning so there was plenty of time to visit the outlet stores just over the border in the US. A searched the internet for strollers and supposedly there were some big stores with only strollers: we did not find them but we did find plenty of other outlet stores with baby stuff. So we gave in and bought some of clothes from Osh'kosh B'gosh (or something like that) for when they are newbies, 3 months old and 12 months old, we know that is a bit early but o well.
Crossing the border between Canada and the US wasn't a big pleasure. Every time I enter the US for a visit it seems that the police thinks we are criminals with bad intend. It feels horrible. Both our passports have stamps from all over the world which is of course terribly scary, we look like mafia since we are from another continent so therefore we cannot be trust. In all, the border people don't make you feel welcome. Of course after 9/11 things are different in the US now, but I never think of myself looking like a crook and that is exactly the feeling they give me. I have been reading about tourist figures to the US and they have been going down for a while now, even in the US people are talking about the way tourist are welcomed at the border and the way people are treated. I just hope that a bit more reality is kickin' in 'cause we are not used to cops shouting: 'Step away from your vehicle SIR, hand your keys over and wait here!" I mean, do they really think that us two queers will put the pedal to the metal? LOL. According to A the border people here in Holland are just the same for people from other continents. I feel ashamed if this really is the case, so therefore: sorry for rude Dutch people! When we crossed the border again back to Canada we took the wine route to Toronto and I do not want to insult the canadians, but I never knew they made wine in canada. The route back to Toronto was beautiful, the space people have in Canada isn't comparable to the space people have here in Holland and now I understand why people think it is crowded here in Holland. I mean in Toronto there are so many houses with gardens in the middle of the city, its just unheard off! We also went for a drive through Wisteria Lane. Yep, we found it, it's in Edwards County Canada. At the sailing club we talked with a lady who lives there and she told us; yep, it looks like Wisteria Lane, it feels like Wisteria Lane but without the high heels, no cocktails and only if you are actually from the place people will talk to you. She was definitely from far far away:).
That evening we went to a bar in Toronto with horrible looking drag queens, which they were only for the occasion to collect money for people/children with aids. But one of them stood REALLY out from the crowd, just imagine your neighbors grandfather, in a short white dress, high heel shoes, big Marilyn Monroe look a like white sunglasses and a BIG white wig... and a white beard. What people do for a good cause. Since I am not particularly good with time differences we didn't stay too long... and also after one drink we saw enough haha, we went back to the hotel. The day after we spent exploring the city and flew back again late that evening. I had to get back to work again and since A has is fixed annual holiday he went to visit family in the UK, I'll join him for the weekend.
So in all, we are enjoying our time together to the max and we are also preparing big time for the big change next year. Good thoughts to all and especially for our surrogate and our babes!