Last Thursday A went with the babes to the 'consultatie-bureau', its a baby check up place. Once a month we have an appointment there with the peaditrician but the best part is, if you want to come in every week to have the babes weight, meassured or whatever question comes to mind, you can just pop in.
As James and Emily are growing really fast, we want to keep track on their weight, and yes, they grow fast! In two weeks time they both gained 395 grams and 390 grams. I am starting to believe that by 6 months they can walk:)
At the moment James is over-stretching a bit, which is quite common with premature babies, and also easily to treat by doing exercices with him (better said; we have to do the exercise).
They are both very lively, laughing, giggling even, and talkative, grumpy time is everyday between 6pm and 8pm (good reason to work a bit longer sometimes haha). A had is first flight this Sunday evening to Dubai, he was looking forward to this and also dreaded the moment he had to leave, and so did I. The nights were okay and the babes did fine, in the end the most hard part was for A since he was gone, he just got back and was thrilled to see us all again! We've decided to see how this all works out for the next two months and after that we'll see if we need to make other arrangements.
Since we the babes arrived, a whole new world has opened for us it seems, other parents are really opening up with everything that goes on in their childs life. Every little detail is spoken of. Suggestions how to go about things are also thrown at us by lighting speed... fortunately we have slippery shoulders so nothing sticks lol.
Next week we'll have to register them both for, can you believe it, middle school! Apparently if you want your children to go to the school of your choice you have to be early. Someone even said we should have registered the babes prior birth. To me these things sound so stupid but I guess thats the way it goes.
I'll post pics later today (because really I should be working at the mo:)
[55+] Oasis Verte Moderne - ..
1 day ago
Don't they grow fast!? It is just amazing! Alexa is 6 months old today....I just can't believe it!
We are in should have looked us up!!
And where is the picture proof that they have grown? I don't believe it until I see it.
Yes - pictures please! They are such beautiful babes!
Glad to hear everything is going well with both of them. Keep it up!
Beste Niels en Alexander,
Ik zou heel graag met jullie in contact komen! Momenteel zijn we bij Pieter van Huystee Film namelijk een documentaire aan het maken over draagmoederschap vanuit het oogpunt van de wensouders.
We willen het onderwerp graag bespreekbaar maken. Waarom is in Nederland commercieel draagmoederschap verboden? Lopen we in Nederland niet achter de feiten aan? Ook is er in Nederland weinig informatie te vinden over draagmoederschap in de VS. Er mag immers geen reclame worden gemaakt. De film heeft een belangrijke voorbeeldfunctie voor andere wensouders. Hoe gaat het in zijn werk draagmoederschap in de Verenigde Staten? Tegen welke obstakels loop je aan? Het perspectief van de wensouders is voor de documentaire van cruciaal belang. Aan de hand van persoonlijke ervaringen belichten we verschillende aspecten van het onderwerp.
Voor de documentaire denk ik dat jullie met alle kennis en ervaring een hele belangrijke maatschappelijke bijdrage kunnen leveren. Zouden jullie hierover met mij contact willen opnemen? of bellen 020-4210606? Uiteraard gaan we vertrouwelijk met informatie om. Ik hoop van jullie te horen!
Met een hartelijke groet,
Rieneke de Man
Researcher / Redacteur
Noordermarkt 37-39
1015 NA Amsterdam
Pieter van Huystee Film maakt al 15 jaar toonaangevende documentaires voor de publiek omroep, waarbij veel films gaan over persoonlijke en maatschappelijke onderwerpen. Verschillende producties zijn nationaal en internationaal met prijzen bekroond.
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