James & Emily

CafeMom Tickers

Thursday 4 December 2008


It seems as things are at a stand still at the moment. And that is not the case!
Especially the last couple of weeks we have been talking a lot (!) about the whole process and I can imagine Alexander wants me to shut up over this subject.
But there have been some little changes to be honest, our eggies are still very unsure (even though we had a lovely offer), Mumbai is under attack, credit crisis and it all makes one think; what to do? 
I made a list; eggies will be sort out so check, Mumbai attack is over...check? no not yet, credit crisis not over...so what? as if I or we can do really much about it, so just keep on spending! Check!

However, none of the above is a killer in our journey, we will continue. The truth is, I am really, really struggling with no smoking at the moment. Perhaps it is the time of year, my weight gain, no haven't lost the extras yet. I haven't got a clue to be honest. A couple of days ago some friends came over for dinner, we had quite a few drinks and usually sigarettes where part of these nights. Not for me now! Some of my friends did (their spouses do not 'allow' them to smoke :) and they really didn't consider my feelings. :~( I just have to be strong and I will be strong!

And then their is this other little thing; time. Time just passes by so quickly, sometimes I wonder how long the whole journey will take! I mean, we have been figuring out ways to become parents for a long time now and have decided on surrogacy. But, deciding on one thing does not mean that goals are reached in the nearby future. I have written before that I truly think tha't men, at least some men, have some sort of calling to nurture, I am one of them for sure.
For now, we are doing one step at a time, we really want to make sure we are doing everything the right way (with regards to legalities), even when it means things will take a bit longer, thats fine. 

From next week on, we won't have a lot of time to work on everything. Our project in Rotterdam will start and we will be spending a lot of time till the end of January on it. 
I will try to post on a weekly basis, and if we get news early; there'll definitely be time:)!
We think of everyone who is in the process and hope you all stay healthy and safe where ever you are.

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