James & Emily

CafeMom Tickers

Saturday 22 November 2008

my lazy saturday

Okay, weekend, finally, I have to have fun...pff.
This week is a bore. Alexander had to go to Washington DC Thursday, so here I was after all the fun things of this week, all alone. So I painted a bit, if you want to have a look at the paintings I make;
www.imperialdutch.nl , not all my paintings are on there, but to get an impression its good enough. Behold, I am not a professional painter but I get a lot of fun out of it.
Alexander told me that the tribunes (where people sit) are already been built for the inauguration of Obama, I read somewhere that they expect over 2 million spectators that day, amazing!

Yesterday I had lunch again with a friend (the one who asked what we're going to do if the eggies are a NO go) and I have decided that my vision was getting blurred. I have officially decided that the chances are too slim to get her eggies. I mean, its probably too difficult for our friend, and I have a strong feeling that we have to apologize to her for asking. It sounds a bit silly, but what we have asked is so enormous, and I truly think that she would donate if she already had her own family. She doesn't want to hurt our feelings, but there is no point in keeping up hope.. or am I too focussed on a decision? 
Who knows. 

Since all the happy things of this week, I've allowed myself to walk in pajama's all day, except when I went to the grocery store of course, I had to warn myself, ...where I didn't bought any unhealthy things! Victory haha, I will manage to get these stopped-smoking-kilos off my butt, belly, waist, thighs, legs, face, hands, feet and ears :)
In the morning I will pick up Alexander from the airport, he texted me that he bought my favorite peanut butter, so I'll take some croissants with me. I love it when he's home again.
In any case, my lazy Saturday is over, its a new day!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I would be happy to donate you some eggs if I can just get a successful cycle...I had 11 follicles the last time, but they were empty, or immature, really didn't get a clear answer. My doc is the US says he doesn't think the protocol was done correctly after reviewing my chart from India. Anyway he is confident in me producing eggs when I get to do the next cycle with him. If I have 14 or 15 like he thinks, I would be more than happy to donate some to you. CF is an inherited disease, if you are not familiar, you must get both genes from each parent in order for the child to get it, so if you were not a carrier you would not have to worry about the baby having it. Anyway, food for thought. There is also PFG, to test before the embryos are transferred.